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July Writing Prompts, Day 8 – If only we could

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt, July’s Writing prompts.

Today, “If only we could”.

“If only we could.”  If only we could not feel the need to utter this phrase as often as we do.  If only a cheeto weren’t president of the US.  If only there wasn’t a pandemic rolling around the world like a giant tidal wave.  If only I didn’t have to go back to work in 5 weeks.  If only it would rain this week.  If only there were bacon in the house.  Oh, wait, what was that?  There is bacon in the house?  Gotta run…

July Writing Prompts, Day 1 – The page where the heart speaks words

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt, July’s Writing prompts.

Today, “The page where the heart speaks words”.

Sure, make the first prompt the hardest.  Although, is this really a “page”?  I mean, it does represent a page, but is called a “post”.  And do I really want my heart speaking the words onto the page (post)?  I have heard that hearts spill words rather than speak them, but I confess that I don’t remember where I heard it.  Seems to me a better metaphor as hearts may not be the most reliable fountain of knowledge (given that you sometimes wear them on your sleeve like some kind of bizarre tattoo).  But ok, then.  I can see this blog representing this elusive “page”, and my fingers rushing over the keyboard as the conduit to that loquacious heart speaking the words I need to get off my chest.  Hey!  Off my chest.  The heart is in the chest.  Well what do you know?

July Writing Prompts, Day 26 – Misaligned and malevolent

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 26, the prompt is “Misaligned and malevolent”.

As I work on various rooms in our house to renovate them, and by renovate, I mean paint because, well, that’s about the extent of my reno skill, I discover old renos misaligned at best, bordering on malevolent.

Why is there a big chunk of wood screwed into the wall to hold a mirror?   A nail not good enough for you?

Why are there two layers of wallpaper in the bathroom, ONLY behind the toilet?  Couldn’t just take off the tank and do it right??

Why, oh dear lord, why did you wallpaper over unpainted drywall????

Master Bedroom 6

Every room an adventure in prep before painting, discovering the malevolence within.


July Writing Prompts, Day 24 – An arctic dusting

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 24, the prompt is “An arctic dusting”.

We don’t get arctic dustings here very often.  It is, after all, Victoria.  You know – west coast splendor, and all that.  However, every so often (like this past February) winter invades and shuts down the city, or at least some of it.  Just as well – no one here has any clue how to drive in it!

July Writing Prompts, Day 22 – Sent from my iPhone

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 22, the prompt is “Sent from my iPhone”.

Well, I missed a day.  We were just too busy getting ready for and then having loads of fun with our dinner guests, Gord and Judy (the inspiration for Zombie Flamingos!)

Many things have been sent from my iPhone, or as I like to call it, the emPhone.  Texts, emails, kitten pictures – I don’t know how we lived before iPhones, and other mobile devices.  I mean, I do remember days without them, or without the Internet.  I remember when electric typewriters replaced manual typewriters (most of them) in my highschool.  I remember the days of saving computer code on cassette tape.  Yes indeed.  Things have definitely changed!

July Writing Prompts, Day 20 – Doused in flames

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 20, the prompt is “Doused in flames”.

We like to be doused in flames at our house.  Between five fireplaces (and let me tell you, the ultimate luxury is having a fireplace in the bedroom!), and now a new fire table on our deck, we keep the fires going winter, spring, fall, summer – it doesn’t matter.  It’s all about the comfort, and of course, the kitties.

July Writing Prompts, Day 19 – Fighting for a future

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 19, the prompt is “Fighting for a future”.

It’s interesting to me how many war metaphors there are out there.  We fight against time, age, our weight, cancer, and fight for the future, for justice, hell, we fight for or against anything we think worth having, or bettering, or getting rid of.  The future shouldn’t be a battle.  It should be about hope.

And now, since this post does not contain my usual irreverence, here is a picture of a kitten, doing what kittens do best.

July Writing Prompts, Day 18 – Cultured creations

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 18, the prompt is “Cultured creations”

Cultured creations – symphonies?  artworks?  Or maybe just some Kombucha.  I really don’t know what kombucha is, but I do know it’s cultured.  Although, I do think it would look funny in a tux.  Does look good in a glass, however!

July Writing Prompts, Day 17 – Battling borborygmus

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 17, the prompt is “Battling borborygmus”

Sure.  Make me have to look up a big long word beginning with B.  I was first going to say that the House, in them there United States, has been battling their orange-coloured borborygmus, but then I discovered that a borborygmus is “a rumbling sound made by the movement of gas in the intestine“.  Oh.  I guess I was right the first time.

July Writing Prompts, Day 16 – Point pleasant

From Putting My Feet in the Dirt (, July’s prompts are here:

And today, July 16, the prompt is ” Point pleasant”

Is the point pleasant, or is pleasant the point?  I do know that on my walk I went to a very pleasant point – Odgen Point.  A nice walk on the breakwater was the point, and pleasant was the gain!