Monthly Archives: March 2016

Colour Your World: Scarlet and Screamin’ Green

Today’s Colour Your World is Screamin’ Green, and yesterday’s was Scarlet (,


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Another Kitten Thursday!

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

All I can say today, is thank goodness for kitties!






Nothin’ to see here

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

Apparently because I only took one photo yesterday.  Kind of says it all, doesn’t it?


Colour Your World: Salmon

Today’s Colour Your World is Salmon (

Hmmm…this seems oddly familiar.  I am pretty sure I did Salmon some time ago.  Or a colour called something else that looked like Salmon to me.  So, excuse me if I am repeating myself.  Here goes: The old Salmon house…



Now, no longer salmon 🙂

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Workin’ in the Backyard

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

So, yesterday being a holiday, I was able to get some things done I didn’t do over the weekend, even though I should have.  Specifically laundry, and weeding the backyard.  Well, I did a lot of weeding back there, but I’m not done.  I’ll never really be done.  We also had some good friends from Regina stop in for dinner.  The final day of a busy social weekend!

For your viewing pleasure today:  pictures from the backyard.

Our cherry tree in bloom!

March282016a  March282016e

I can’ remember what kind of flower this is, but I have red ones and white ones!


Magnolia in bloom (soon to be planted in the front yard…soon…).


A picture from me sitting on the deck stairs taking a short break.  Bending over to weed is a lot harder on the old knees and back these days…


One of my piles of weeds being contemplated by our backyard Buddha.


Colour Your World: Royal Purple

Today’s Colour Your World is Royal Purple (

I know, I know.  I’ve missed a few colours.  The last few weeks have not been conducive to a lot of extra blogging.  But now I’m trying to get my mind back together and out of the mire that has been mucking up the old brain (suffice it to say I wish I could retire…)  I am trying to find the simple, joyful things in life again and letting all the crap go when I can.

Anyway, enough with the cryptic.  Royal Purple, eh?


Hair Feb 2012

It’s a holiday!!

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

So, yesterday I didn’t take any pictures.  I know!  Crazy!  I was too busy making all kinds of ridiculous things for supper (I kind of went a little nuts).

Ok, the basics like garlic mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus (and salad), but then I also decided I needed to make (yes, “needed”!) eggplant parm (with a little zucchini thrown in), green bean and mushroom casserole (not the kind with mushroom soup, but gluten free from scratch), and a squash onion casserole.  They all turned out surprisingly ok.

And there are leftovers to feed Kevin and me for the rest of the week.  And isn’t that what you really want in life?  Leftovers?  Oh, and Kevin also BBQ’d some mean lamb.  Mom and Dad brought bread and dessert.  And everyone brought wine.

So, basically what I’m trying to say is that there was no time to think about taking pictures.  So, what I have for you today are some pictures I took at the Royal BC Museum when Kevin and I went to see Star Wars at the IMAX (it was sold out…doh!).  John Lennon’s 1965 Rolls-Royce Phantom V Touring Limo.  Pretty cool, eh?  I have no idea why the Royal BC Museum has this vehicle, so don’t ask.  It’s probably on the sign.

As for missing Star Wars, I’m ok with it.   I know everyone tells me it’s fantastic and I have to see it, but I am still not sure I want to know what happens to the characters I fell in love with in 1977 at the theatre.  A movie moment I will never forget. But, Kevin wants to see it, so we’ll get there eventually.

In the meantime, enjoy a pretty cool Rolls…





Ok. Sunday it is!

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

Can’t talk – need to chop lots of veggies for dinner tonight!  Enjoy the scenes from yesterday…








Missed another day…

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

Sorry, I missed a day.  The start to a long weekend, and a couple of friends came for a visit from the mainland.  Therefore I was busily cleaning the house yesterday and avoided my Daily Post avoidance.

And now, our friends are on their way home, so, the rest of today is about relaxing and probably doing some garden work.

And now, enjoy some tulips and kitties!








Another kitten Thursday

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

This was me at work yesterday (well, not me, but things near me) when I got some texts from Kevin..



about Elliot and where he was located:  on top of a cabinet in the dining room hanging out with the Object Dee Art.




He did not knock the Object Dee Art over, but don’t worry.  We’ll try again soon!