Monthly Archives: July 2016

Two kitties and a car

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

I’ve seen this vintage mini before at the BMW dealership, and finally decided to take a few pictures.  Kevin says every time he sees this car, he expects to see a bunch of clowns climb out of it!



And now, lest you think I have forgotten again, Kitties!!



Randomness from a Friday Walk

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

Yesterday was a nice day for a walk.  Looks like it will be the same again today.  Sunny, on the warm side (not too warm for me yet – hopefully we are past the stage of too warm for Emily days out here.  Things tend to start cooling down in August…), and very still.

I decided on my walk yesterday to look up, down, around – no, not for Pokemon (there are enough people out there paying no attention to people around them as they look down at their phones), but for different things to take pictures of.  It’s something I need to keep working on.  There’s a lot to see out there if we just keep our eyes open to the possibilities.

So, naturally there is a water picture.  I tried to get the lighthouse in the distance.


There is a lot of brown around right now.  This is typical for this time of year here.  It’s always struck me as odd, living right on the ocean as we do, but Victoria is extremely dry in the summer.  Last summer we went for 4 months with no rain.  It has rained a bit here over the past few months, but not enough to keep the grass green.  Reminds me a bit of Saskatchewan…




Lots of bees around – makes me hopeful for their future.



And, of course, lots of flowers in the park


including waterlilies galore


And a cloudless sky above.


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

Three Things Thursday, July 28

Three Things Thursday from Nerd in the Brain is “three things that make me smile: an exercise in gratitude – feel free to steal this idea with wild abandon and fill your blog with the happy” (

Wild abandon, eh?  Here are three things that made me smile this week:

Dinner out with Kevin


Peppers starting to make their presence known


Kitty paws



A Photo a Week Challenge: Waterfront

A Photo a Week Challenge at  This week:  Waterfront (

“In a new post created for this challenge, share a photo or two of water.”

You asked for it!!  Here are two of the water photos I took today while wandering around with my camera.  Both featuring something else in the distance.

This one is obvious.


This one, perhaps not so much, but I am wondering who enjoys the lawnchair at the end of the sidewalk that goes nowhere?



Weekly Photo Challenge: Narrow

“This week, let’s keep things narrow (but not narrow-minded!): share a photo with your take on the theme. You could focus on a slender object, or shoot an image where your field of vision is restricted. Alleyways and half-open doors, seesaws and water slides, spaghetti and electric cords… the world is full of narrow things. I can’t wait to see which one you’ll pick for your entry.”(

Here are a couple of the narrow paths I walk through on a regular basis.

This one during lunchhour walks at work


This one as I walk or run down along the ocean.  It’s especially spooky when it’s getting dark…



Fountain Friday – July (Stone Fountains)

Oh, I just can’t get enough of trying new photo challenges.  And with today being my first day off for a couple of weeks (did I mention I was starting vacation today??), what the heck?

This is Fountain Friday, a weekly challenge with a monthly theme from Polianthus (  This month, the theme is Stone Fountains (

And here is a link to Polianthus’ post for this week:

On my walk today, I was specifically thinking about this theme, so here are a couple of fountains, fresh off the camera, so to speak.  Both found in Beacon Hill Park (which was a zoo this morning, just so you know…)



Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge 2016 Week 30

For this week’s Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge, 2016 Week 30 (

A few oddballs from my walk this morning:

What looked to be human and animal prints in the cement.  It was kind of like finding dinosaur prints!


This might come in handy someday for a “rusty” theme…


Random moss



iPhriday – a ray of sun in a dark season

A challenge I’ve seen bouncing around for a few weeks, from Gray Days and Coffee (  Time to give it a try!!

“iPhriday is a day to share photos you have taken with your cell phone.  If you’d like to join me and the other phabulous iPhridians, just create a post of your own, and then make sure to tag it iPhriday so I can find you and feature you here at GD&C.”

Not sure is this is an actual “themed” challenge, but I kind of like “A ray of sun in a dark season” (, so here goes!

As you may or may not know, I post a lot of pictures of our kitties here.  They are rays of sunshine in our lives.  So, here is my Elliot ray who has helped in a not so bright work week, taken today, my first day of vacation (another ray of sunshine!)


Three Line Tales – Week 26: Hold on there…

Ok, this challenge is a little bit different.  It’s a writing challenge.  Three Lines of writing, to be exact.  I have been thinking of writing more, and this may be a good way to get started.  We will see!

So, this challenge comes from Sonya at Only100Words ( , and here are the rules:

“Write three lines to go with the weekly photo prompt (the photos I use are either royalty-free or I’ve been given permission by the photographer to use them; please credit where appropriate) – sideways interpretation is encouraged. The photo is the launch point – take us wherever you fancy.”

And here is today’s photo:


photo by Maher El Aridi

And now, my 3-line tale.

Hey Bob!
Wait a minute.
Weren’t there 5 teepees when we left?

Baby peppers and a sleepy Elliot

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

And I made it…Vacation!!!  And as I am about to go out for a walk and collect more pictures for blogging purposes, I will leave you with a hope for peppers this year in my garden, and Elliot doing what he does…


