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Forgot the title…Doh!

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

This is also my post for Forgiveness Fridays (  Something that made me happy this week and forget the anger I was feeling about things that happened at that place…

I was walking through the park and, as usual, saw peacocks.

But NOT as usual saw BABY peacocks!!  I have never seen babies in the park before, but there they were.  SO cute!  I was smiling the rest of my walk 🙂

A bit of forgiveness on a Friday

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

This is also my post for Forgiveness Fridays ( – restful scenes from a week, turbulent with going back to work after being on holidays (and just going back to work…)  My way of forgiving myself for not wanting to be back at that place.


Friday, at last!

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

AND for Forgiveness Friday (, because I’ve been fretting about what to post for Forgiveness Friday for awhile, and these pictures seemed to work for me.  Why?  Well, my friend Debbie over at Forgiving Connects said “To me, photography can be a powerful form of forgiveness and letting go, just in the essence of their beauty.”

And now it’s time to let go of the week and move on into the weekend…AND 3 weeks of holidays 🙂  Staycation, here I come!