Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Q is for… (#AtoZChallenge)

Welcome to my April 2023 Great and Powerful Blogging from A to Z Challenge!

I’ve revealed my theme (My life in first drafts), but this year, instead of pretending there were ever plans, I am unashamedly blogging my theme letters on the fly.  So, here goes nothing!

So, without further ado, Q is for Qat, Qadi and other weird Q scrabble words.

What’s up with weird Q words in scrabble? Words no one ever actually uses. And what’s with words that I know are actually words not counted when I plan scrabble online? I mean, in person you can pull out the massive scrabble dictionary to prove the words you just played is indeed a real word (and I have done this, although I do not play in person scrabble very often…almost never actually).

But in spite of the weird words that count and the common words that don’t, I am the queen of high points two letter words! I have to celebrate something since I lose almost every game I play. And I confess, when I know I am losing, there is nothing like playing words like poop and meh too get through the game.

And just like that, I finally have a post that really begins with a Q!

Thanks for visiting my 2023 A to Z Challenge – Letter Q.  You can find links to more blogs participating in this challenge at Letter A, A to Z 2023 Challenge Master List (Google Docs).

Guess I’m kind of a rebel too…although I do like using the “official” letters…

Posted on April 19, 2023, in A to Z Challenge, photography, Photos I took, Writing. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I play Words with Friends and get so frustrated when someone beats me with a word and when I look at the definition it says, “This is an acceptable word but there is no definition!”
    Janet’s Smiles

  2. I like scrabble and I got to play the actual game when my daughter and family visited last month. Usually I play against the computer. I remember a few of the 2 letter words, but yeah, some real words don’t count!

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