Here we go again

A response in avoidance of the Daily Post’s Writing Prompt

But now I’m 3 weeks (minus one day) closer to my final holidays of the summer.  So, Monday…bring it on!

And now, here are some things Kevin and I saw on an after-dinner walk last night.







Ok, back to work…


Posted on July 11, 2016, in Daily Post and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. I love the driftwood on the beach! And of course, your cat 🙂 I need to learn their names better, is that one Jasper?

  2. Emily what a gorgeous view you have on your walk! Beautiful. Great pink fountain, thank you for sharing. <3 Blessings.

  3. You must live in a perfect location to have walking access to so much. Beautiful photos–especially Elliot, who definitely is watching your every move.

  4. Wow, really amazing snaps. The smell of holidays is tempting, isn’t it 🙂

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