Just Jot it January: January 13

“Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is as follows: read closely. When you’re ready to sit down and write your post, look to the publication (book, newspaper, permission slip from your kid’s teacher, whatever you find) closest to you, and base your post on the sixth, seventh, and eighth word from the beginning of the page. Enjoy!” (https://lindaghill.com/2018/01/12/the-friday-reminder-for-socs-jusjojan-daily-prompt-jan-13th-2018/)  These Jots are not only my 500-words a day challenge, but also part of my  Ultimate Blogging Challenge challenge (http://ultimateblogchallenge.com).

Ok, the prompt for today, which is also the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, tells me to look at the “publication”, which I will call a piece of paper with text on it (although, I guess “publication” could be something electronic, like an e-book or a Facebook post…) closest to you (I am guessing closest in physical proximity, not as in a closest to my heart kind of way), and base my post on the sixth, seventh, and eighth word from the beginning of the page.  Page – ok, that kind of presumes something written on paper.  Although I guess you could think of a Page in a less traditional sense.  I have found the concept of a “page” much more challenging when looking at resources online, you know, like e-journals and e-newspapers. You can “like” a “page” in Facebook too, but I don’t know what that has to do with this prompt.  Luckily the prompt refers to the beginning of the page, which I presume to mean the page that you can immediately see upon looking at the “publication”.  It does not refer to “page 7”, or anything specific like that.

Anyway, back to the prompt.  The 6th, 7th, and 8th word from the beginning of the page…yada, yada, yada.  “The versatility of”.  Yes, those are the words.  They are pretty good words to begin this prompt, don’t you think?  Or are they??

I’ll be honest with you.  I cheated.  The 6th, 7th, and 8th word from the beginning of the page on the piece of written-on paper closest to me was “received on your”, which is from a description of the final assignment I am supposed to submit for my course this weekend.  I can’t think of anything more boring than that.

Except that this was a cheat too.  These are the 6th, 7th, and 8th words of the Description section which is the first fully written out section in the assignment.  If I were to REALLY count the 6th, 7th, and 8th words from the beginning of the whole page (including the title and the table headings), I would get “Profile Reflection Assignment”.

Ok, let’s be really honest.  Here is what I see on this page:

  • Assignment #2C – Course Profile Reflection” – this is the title
  • Then, the next line (which is a table row) says:
  • Assignment Title (cell 1), Course Profile Reflection (cell 2), 5% (cell 3)

Which words are the 6th, 7th and 8th?  Do you count the # sign as a word? I mean, it stands for “number”, after all.  And what about “2”?  It is a number, AND a word.  And the letter “C”?  Is this also a word?  I am so confused right now.  Which is why I thought cheating would be best.  I mean, who would ever know?  I could tell you that the closest piece of text to me was Chapter 15 of War and Peace.  With my luck, War and Peace doesn’t even have 15 chapters, but who would check up on me?

Well, that’s the end of my 500 words. Guess you will never know which were the 6th, 7th, and 8th words on the paper closest to me this morning, or how I would have used them in a prompt.  That’s life!  Back to coffee…

Posted on January 13, 2018, in Writing and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. you are so funny.

  2. Love it, confusion and all! 🙂

  3. I think you deserve a coffee after all that! LOL

  4. I think I would have chosen “this is the” or “is the title.” I took a quick look and chapter 1 of the novel I have open near me on my Kindle and my words would be, “Autumn,” “1995” and “I.” I believe I could probably manage to write 500 words about that collection of words, but it would be a challenge to remember that far back, frankly. 😉

  5. Just realized it was you who said, “this is the title.” So then “assignment title cell” might be the words? I would definitely have cheated, too!! 😉

  6. There were NO publications near me, so I cheated too. If it hadn’t been my grocery list, it would have been the calendar. January, Monday, Tuesday — dull!

  7. Totally digging your honesty here! lol I’d have cheated too. 😀

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