Just Jot it January: January 8

Today’s prompt “brought to you by the many layered pensitivity, is “Pants.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit pensitivity at her blog, “pensitivity101” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:  https://pensitivity101.wordpress.com/” (https://lindaghill.com/2018/01/08/jusjojan-daily-prompt-january-8th-2018/)  These Jots are not only my 500-words a day challenge, but also part of my  Ultimate Blogging Challenge challenge (http://ultimateblogchallenge.com).


So, the 500 word challenge is to write a list.  And the Just Jot prompt is “Pants”.  I am advised just to write, and not edit.  But let’s see if I can write a list, of sorts, about Pants.

Pants.  I don’t wear pants, per se.  I’m more of a jeans person.  So, no skirts, no pant, just jeans.  All the time.  Well, I wore a dress to my brother’s wedding, and a skirt to some banquet Kevin and I went to last summer.  But, it takes a lot for me to not wear jeans.  Good thing I like where I do.  Things are pretty casual here.  Even in the summer, I am generally wearing jean capris.  I don’t do shorts.  Except when I run.  Or exercise.  Then it’s exercise shorts.  Oh, and when I exercise and do a lot of heavy cardio, I pant.  Because it’s, you know, cardio.  Dogs pant.  Cats don’t generally pant.  They purr.  Or sometimes Elliot snores.  Jasper doesn’t snore.  Jasper purrs better than Elliot.  Elliot does purr, but it’s kind of funny sounding.  Nicholas purrs when he is scratched.  He’s shy, but he does like being scratched.  But none of them pant.  Sometimes people are said to “pant” when they are really wanting something badly.  Men pant at pretty women – that’s part of the problem (did you see the Grammys?)  Speaking of this, what’s with the idiom “wearing the pants in the family”?  How sexist is that?  Or confusing now, seeing as I always wear pants (well, jeans), so I guess we both wear the pants in our household.  You can also beat the pants off of someone, which seems to mean to win by a large margin.  I don’t know where this idiom came from. Did someone once lose a race and their pants at the same time?  You can ants on your pants, which means you can’t sit still, which I guess would probably happen if you actually did have ants crawling around in your pants.  Yuck!  You can be caught with your pants down, which seems to mean to be caught in an embarrassing or guilty state.  Which, I guess would happen for most people if they were literally caught with their pants down.  But you aren’t caught with your skirt down.  So maybe this expression only applies to me (applying the double standard as needed!)  You can kick someone in the pants (as in a sudden kick in the ass…oh wait, another idiom…how about something that gets you in gear to do or finish something, like getting an F on a midterm might be a kick in the pants to study for the final?  Sorry – just the nature of where I work), and you can fly by the seat of your pants and just wait to see what will happen (you know, kind of like a US president we all know).

You know, this isn’t much of a list.  Well, I guess it is a list, but it’s kind of hard to tell it’s a list because there aren’t any numbers or bullets.

I’m tired now…

Posted on January 8, 2018, in Writing and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Ants in your pants….Good one!

  2. This was a riot!

  3. This made me laugh, with all the sayings, which I’ve heard of them all. Still…why ‘pants’? How did pants get the honor of being so well known! 😉

  4. Haha! That was very stream of consciousness, or pantsing, as we say 😛

  5. I have heard, “Put your skirt down, your youth is showing,” so there’s at least one idiom about skirts – that I know of anyway! Not nearly as much fun as pants. 🙂

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