NaNoPoblano 2017 – Day 22 (November 22)

Go NaNoPoblano (National Blog Posting Month) ( !

Well, another day, another NaNoPoblano post.  I don’t have anything particularly exciting to say to you all today.  It was a work at home day, and I got a lot done, and then I went for a run with friend Darnell (really hit the spot), and tonight it’s off to see friend Judy’s fourth episode on The Great Canadian Baking Show.

But, before you think I am posting a diary entry, the CY365 theme today is “On the Table”, so I thought you might like to see what is on our living room table right now.

Actually, I’m not really sure why you’d want to see all the stuff I have piled up here right now.  Just representations of my chaotic life (or, really, the laziness around putting things away).  But I thought you might like to see Jasper in the background.

Don’t forget, tomorrow will be Kitten Thursday!

Posted on November 22, 2017, in NaNoPoblano and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Excellent! Great post and good to see your table and kitty. Looking forward to kitty Thursday! 💜

  2. Hey, it makes anyone who has stuff on their own tables feel better about it as well – another good reason to post it!

  3. I enjoyed looking at this photo very much. I’ve gone back to playing “The Secret Society” on Facebook and that is a find the object kind of game. When you mentioned about Jasper (always a welcome sight), it made me think about the items on your desk and how it is fun to hunt through the photograph for them. A lot of the items blend in so well together that you can make a game out of it 🙂

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